

Over the weekend I had the pleasure of heading out on the water for the first time since arriving in Miami back in February.

While I may have been out of the sailing game for a bit, it was loads of fun to be back out on the water, to hear the countdown to start, and to feel all those pre-race jitters, even from afar. So much effort and focus is directed into each move, whether it’s in the pulling in of a sail, the flattening of a boat after a roll tack, or the heat of a downwind leg, always looking behind you to make sure no one is catching up.

Miami is a particularly beautiful backdrop for sailing, the combination of the turquoise blue warm water with the big puffy white clouds is hard to beat.

S A F A R I // film

My favorite snap from Safari on film. The Portra 400 really captures the essence of being out there, the light, the warmth, the openness…wonderful memories, can’t wait to go back.
