

Rain all day calls for baking -- or more specifically in my case, Rum Cake! I have been looking for any excuse to make Rum Cake, and today's downpour finally seemed like the perfect excuse for some cooking.

Cooking on a boat is always a but different than cooking in the comfort of your 'land homes.'  While our oven is perfectly capable, everything is just a bit smaller, and in general you  just never quite know what your going to get.  A ferry wake could come by, and your whole cake could suddenly have a 45 degree slope (If you follow my Instagram, you'll see I know this from experience...)  It is also difficult to gauge the temperature of the oven, calling forth the 'Franny method' of cooking -- which is pretty much the stress free, recipe free mentality of 'it'll be fine!'

Dreaming of the Abacos throughout all this rain!

Our Dutch flag feeling right at home on all the rain!

Our Dutch flag feeling right at home on all the rain!